My Music

Monday, June 16, 2014

Whats' on my mind...

I have really nothing to say about today

Or these past week

All i can say, it was a horrible week

My mind scattered around

Feelings playing, tossing around

And probably that was the feeling

That i felt previously

A sign?

A forecast?

Didn't expect it to happen

Didn't expect to be this way

My mind is being all fucked up

My feelings being played around

Should i continue?

Should i face it?

Im not sure what im trying to say

Nor what to express

Just wanted to type what i wanted to type

Whats on my mind

But, all i know

Hearing her voice

Makes me calm

Makes me at ease


Probably i like it

Probably her voice sooth my feelings

My soul

My thoughts

Back again, hearing her voice

Really makes me calm

Makes me think rationally

Makes me happy

It was all thanks to her

That im happy today

Feel at ease today

Feel like i belong somewhere

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My Clock


Let Faith Lead Our Lives,Between Time,We Could Change Our Fate As Well...


Don't cry because its over,Smile because it happened