My Music

Sunday, June 15, 2014


I've never cried that hard for a long time

Last night, it was one of those days where tears start to flow down your cheeks


Yet it flows like a river

Why i cried?

For me, it was something dearest to me

For me, it meant something to me

Last night, i really couldn't control

My feelings

My emotions

My thoughts

It's been a long since i felt that way

Even though they thought it was for my own good

To protect me

From pain and sorrow


For me, it was painful 

Till i burst into tears

Im a boy yet i still cry

Who said boys don't cry

We have feelings

We cry as well

And my feelings last night was unbearable 


Maybe i over exaggerated 

Maybe i was over thinking

Never been this way for quite some time


I cried to express

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My Clock


Let Faith Lead Our Lives,Between Time,We Could Change Our Fate As Well...


Don't cry because its over,Smile because it happened